Day 1: Tuesday, April 23 2024

08:30 09:30

Registration, coffee and tea

09:30 09:35

Welcome and introduction minister

Chairman of the day, Peter Zinn


09:35 09:50

Opening NISDUC 2024

Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius, Minister of Justice and Security, The Netherlands

presentation not available


09:50 10:10

NIS2 overview – Challenges and opportunities

Jasper Nagtegaal, director Digital Resilience, Authority for Digital Infrastructure

presentation not available

10:10 10:35

ENISA supporting the NIS2

Hans de Vries, Chief Cybersecurity and Operations Officer at the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)

download presentation

10:35 11:00

EU cybersecurity regulation and NIS2

Lorena Boix Alonso, Director for Digital Society, Trust & Cybersecurity at DG CONNECT, European Commission

presentation not available

    Coffee break
11:30 12:00

The NIS2-registration point for the Netherlands

Moshgan Wahedi, Project Manager NIS2 Registration and Incident Reporting

National Cyber Security Centre NL (NCSC)

download presentation

12:00 12:30

Take preliminary measures

Michel Verhagen Manager Digital Trust Centre

Lucinda Sterk, Communicatie expert Digital Trust Centre

presentation not available

    Lunch break
13:30 15:00

Parallel sessions NIS2 sectors

Water and Transport sector

Energy sector

Banking & financial market infrastructure

    Coffee break
15:30 16:00

Cyberfundamentals: an answer to and beyond NIS2

Johan Klykens, director of CCB-Certification Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB)

download presentation

16:00 16:30

Panel discussion: Cooperation and mutual assistance NIS authorities

NIS authorities

16:30 16:45

Close of the day

Chairman of the day, Peter Zinn

    Drinks and networking


To top

Details on parallel sessions - Day 1

Water and Transport sector

Moderator Patrick van de Heisteeg
13:00 14:00

NIS2 and supply-demand dynamics in OT

Jeroen Gaiser, Dep. CISO IenW and Dr. Johan de Wit Technical Officer Enterprise Security EMEA, Siemens

download presentation

14:00 14:30

How to get your NIS2 implementation on track

Joseph Mager, Deputy CISO, Nederlandse Spoorwegen

download presentation

14:30 15:00

CERT Water Management: Collaboration on operational information security

Gabor Verputten CISO hWh, Lead Coördinator CERT-WM and Advisor CSIR

download slides

To main program of day 1

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Energy sector

Moderator Rene Vroom
13:30 14:00

Bottom-up approach for requirements in the EV industry (supply chain)

Harm van den Brink, Cyber Security Specialist & Innovation, ElaadNL

download presentation

14:00 14:30

Collaborate on cybersecurity in an ecosystem of trust

Johan Rambi, Independent strategic cyber security advisor

download presentation

14:30 15:00

Security for Operational Technologies - Using bowties for the management of digital risks

Philip Westbroek, OT security officer, Enexis

download presentation

To main program of day 1

To top

Banking and financial market infrastructure sector

Moderator André de Groot
13:30 14:15

Regulation (NIS2 and DORA) on incident reporting and voluntary reporting on threats

André de Groot, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)

no presentation available

14:15 15:00

Practical experience from Luxembourg on sharing information - (governance structures on reporting and importance structured information)

Gérard Wagener, Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL)

download presentation

To main program of day 1

To top

Day 2: Wednesday, April 24

8:30 9:30

Registration, coffee and tea

09:30 09:40

Opening day 2 and summary of day 1

Chairman of the day, Peter Zinn

9:40 9:50 Video Message

Petra De Sutter, Belgium Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration, Public Enterprises, Telecommunication and the Postal Services

09:50 10:20

Process and state of play

Hester Somsen, Deputy National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) and director Cyber Security and State threats

download presentation

10:20 10:50

Collaboration, guidance and support for NIS2 entities

Jacques Kellner, Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR)

Hervé Cholez, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Gérard Wagener, Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL)

download presentation


Coffee break

11:15 12:00

Panel discussion: Governance and boardroom accountability

12:00 12:30

New system: National and Sectoral CSIRTs

Bouke van Laethem, project manager N-CSIRT & S-CSIRT, National Cyber Security Centre NL (NCSC)

download presentation

Lunch break

13:30 15:00

Parallel sessions NIS2 sectors

Telecom, Digital infrastructure and ICT service management sector

Manufacturing sector

Health sector

15:00 15:30

NIS2: How to move forward from here?

Jasper Nagtegaal, director Digital Resilience Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure

Corine Schipper-Derkse deputy director National Cyber Security Centre NL (NCSC)

No presentation available

15:30 15:40

Closing and announcements

Day's chairman, Peter Zinn

Coffee and tea

To top

Details on parallel sessions - Day 2

Telecom, Digital Infrastructure and ICT services sector

Moderator Joop Rutgers
13:00 14:00

NIS2 implementing acts: Impact on Digital Infra and ICT services industry

Rob Augustinus, Inspector Specialist, Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure

download presentation

14:00 14:30

Compliance in control: The common factor for EU regulation

Ronald Verbeek, General manager of CIO Platform Nederland

Michiel Steltman, Online Trust Coalitie

download presentation

14:30 15:00

Security First: Transforming Threats into Opportunities - The Power of NIS2

Vladimir Cibic, Chief Information Security Officer, KPN

Jeffrey Leusink – Nicolai, Director CISO Office at KPN

No presentation available

To main program of day 2

To top

Health sector

Moderator Marcel Floor
13:00 14:15

(How) does the Dutch norm NEN 7510 for information security contribute to getting ready for NIS2?

Johan Krijgsman, inspector at the Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspectorate

download slides

14:00 14:30

Emerging Cyber Threat Landscape Healthcare: which incidents must be reported?

Wim Hafkamp, Managing Director National CSIRT Dutch Healthcare (Z-CERT)

download presentation

To main program of day 2

To top

Manufacturing sector

Moderator Lucinda Sterk
13:00 14:15 Good practices for supply chain management in the manufacturing sector

William Biemans, Systemadministrator IT & OT bij Wuppermann Staal Nederland

Ruud Welschen, Program manager Cyber Security Industry, Siemens Nederland N.V.

download presentation

14:15 15:00

Breakout sessions - Sharing good practices for supply chain management

Led by Cyber Resilience Center Brainport and Digital Trust Centre

download presentation

To main program of day 2

To top

Panel Discussions

Panel: Cooperation and mutual assistance NIS authorities

Moderator Sheila Becker, Head of Network and Information Systems’ Security (NISS), Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR)

Evy Bawin, Legal advisor, Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT)

Sjors van Aken, Senior inspector, Dutch Privacy Authority

Machteld Vrieze, Chair NIS CG Workstream Supervision, Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure

Patrick Spelt, Head of Cybersecurity Supervision, Dutch Human environment and transport inspectorate

Jurriën Norder, Teamlead international section NCSC, National Cyber Security Center The Netherlands (NCSC)

Boryana Hristova-Ilieva, Team Leader for NIS Team at DG CNECT of the European Commission

to main program

Panel: Governance and boardroom accountability

Moderator Sascha Maurer, Cybersecurity Officer, Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR)

Michiel Steltman, Chair DINL, Digitale Infrastructuur Nederland

Freddy Dezeure, Strategic Advisor

Aernout Reijmer, Chief Security Officer, Advanced Semiconductor Materials Lithography (ASML)

Erno Doorenspleet, Vice President Security Strategy and CTO Security for KPN B2B, KPN

Peggy Valcke, Executive Board Member, Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT)

to main program