Information booths

During NISDUC 2024, several information booths can be visited in the main hall.

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NCSC: Notification and registration point

NCSC: Notification and registration point The National Cyber Security Centre has an information booth where they will show a flowchart of the central notification and registration point. Advisors will be happy to discuss the set-up of this functionality with you. There is also a preview of MyNCSC: the new portal where all NCSC services and products are accessed in one place.

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Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure: NIS2 Quickscan

The Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure has developed in close cooperation with The Digital Trust Centre the NIS2 Self-evaluation and NIS2-Quickscan. The Self-evaluation gives insight if your organisation falls under the NIS2 directive. The Quickscan helps to check whether your organisation is well prepared for the NIS2. The Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure has an information booth where we will show the NIS2 Quickscan and how it can help you to be prepared for the NIS2.

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